My dear sweet son turns 4 this month! (Yikes where did the last 4 years go!?) He has a year and a half left in preschool before Kindergarten. And while I am not stressing too much about reading yet, it is time that I start preparing him to learn how to read soon! He is definitely a pre-emergent reader at this point. He knows most of his letters by sight and he knows many of their sounds. But we are still a long way off from actually reading!
I was thrilled to find an online reading program for children age 3-13 that is not only fun, but also perfect for where my son is at! Reading Eggs uses songs and games to help your children learn while playing fun and interactive games! And my son had a blast with this program!
And the most exciting part is that Reading Eggs is sponsoring an iPad Mini GIVEAWAY today! (see more about that below)
I honestly feel that reading is the key to all learning! If a child can read well, in my opinion, they have a better chance at excelling educationally-wise in all areas. If they struggle to read, they will struggle to do math, science and history as well. It is one of the reasons I worked so hard to help my daughter learn how to read at a young age, and why we still practice reading every single day with her! I want her to excel at reading because I feel it will help her in all of her academics.
My son is still learning how to use a mouse pad on a laptop, so we sat and worked on the Reading Eggs program together! He truly enjoyed learning and he also loved the games and the silly noises it makes if you get an answer right or wrong.
I love that this program is age appropriate and geared for children of all ages! The basis of the Reading Eggs program is focused on phonics and sight words. And there are tons of games, songs and thousands of eBooks available to use within the program so my children have yet to get bored with it! There are over 120 Lessons which are geared specifically for 3-7 years olds that aid in learning, but are also a lot of fun to complete! The Reading Eggspress is geared towards an older child and helps with reading comprehension, writing and spelling.
Do you have a 3-13 year old who needs help reading!? I've got the perfect solution!
Go HERE to sign up to try this program for FREE!
And, Reading Eggs is hosting the Read to Cure Challenge to help raise funds for the National Children's Cancer Society. And here is how you can help!
Sign-up for your Free 5-week trial HERE and start reading as many books as you can! Friends and family can sponsor your reading efforts by making donations. And all money raised will be matched, dollar for dollar by Reading Eggs until their goal of $25,000 is reached. Go HERE to learn more.
And the best part is that I get to co-host a great Giveaway today! Woot woot!
Kids do grown up fast.<br />Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity